quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2020


Merry Christmas to all

Remember the Reindeers – a poem

Hang up the stockings.

Decorate the tree.

Presents placed perfectly.

What a sight to see!

Milk and cookies are out,

Kids are tucked in tight.

There’s so much to do

On Christmas Eve night!

Before you take a snooze

And dream of the next day,

Don’t forget some food

For the friends who pull the sleigh!

You see, reindeers need snacks, too

A little love and fun

To help Santa through the night,

And get the important job done!


Here is a beautiful Christmas song for you!

sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2020

National Ugly Sweater Day – December 18, 2020


National Ugly Sweater Day is celebrated on the third Friday of December. This year it lands on December 18 (today). 

The first “official” ugly sweater day was in 2002 in Vancouver, Canada. The hosts threw the party to raise money for their friend’s cancer treatment.

Ugly sweater means, well, a sweater that is ugly! And Christmas sweaters are notorious for winning in the ugly category (decked out with lights, pictures of Santa, and maybe a few awful puns). 


1.   It’s the one day we can wear something ugly and it actually be “cool”

Let’s face it, if you waltz into work on any other day wearing an “ugly sweater”, you would be the laughing stock of the water cooler. Save that ugly sweater for National Ugly Sweater Day and well, you’re the man (or woman) of the hour.

2.   They’re incredibly warm and cozy

Say what you want about ugly sweaters, but the one thing you can’t deny is their incredible warmth and coziness. Wearing one on makes you want to throw on a pair of fuzzy socks and curl up by a fire; hot chocolate included. Best part? This feeling lasts all day!

3.   There’s an ugly sweater for everyone

With the ugly sweater industry booming, there’s no better time to hop on the ugly sweater trend than now. From brand new, to do-it-yourself, to second-hand hidden gems, there’s an ugly sweater for every person and every personality. You just have to find it!

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2020

My Christmas Tree - padlet


Have you already put up your Christmas tree? 

If you have, take a picture of it and post in on our padlet so that we all can see your beautiful Christmas tree.

Padlet, padlet on the wall,

which xmas tree is the most beautiful of all?

Here are some Christmas decoration ideas to inspire you: